Like its haze levels, Singapore's coolness is well-above-average lately, first with the announcement that the MRT stations of the Downtown Line would be covered in some high-brow photographs as part of Singapore International Photography Festival, and now the announcement that our sidewalks may soon be covered in poetry.

Inspired by the Mass Poetry project in Boston, Singaporean literary non-profit Sing Lit Station announced on its Facebook yesterday that it would stencil and spraypaint verses from Singaporean poems onto sidewalks in Singapore. The charming caveat? They will use a special paint that is only visible when it rains. And since it's almost always raining (or about to rain) in Singapore, we should be seeing a lot of poems at our feet.

And you have a say. They're holding a survey between now and mid-October, where you can vote on which verses you'd like to see. There's a selection of 18 excerpts, selected by Singaporean poet Pooja Nansi, up on their online survey and they will select a final list of 10.

The selection includes the likes of Bani Haykal, Tania de Rozario and recent Sing Lit Prize winner Cyril Wong.